Collecting funds for charity is a positive experience for many reasons: it unites people around a common goal, builds a team awareness of the possibility of obtaining a measurable support from colleagues, and also ensures a feel-good factor coming from being a donor.
PROTEA Group employees actively participate in many actions in which funds are collected for the needy and the Management Board supports them in this effort.
In accordance with the company’s policy, each amount collected is doubled by the Management Board.
More about fundraising you can read in the “News” category.

Local Community Support
PROTEA Group aims to be not only one of the most attractive employers in the region, but also a partner for the local community. We strive to translate the success and development of our company into the success and development of our environment.
Social Actions
An example of activities for the benefit of the local communities is participation in actions promoting sport and a healthy lifestyle, in which our employees participate on regular basis, as well as collecting funds to support local charity organizations.
Cooperation with schools and universities
Good relationships with technical, vocational schools and technical universities, where our potential employees are educated, are extremely important to us. We try to influence their development, offering the opportunity to gain a professional experience through practices and internships in our company. We also take part in educational fairs and industry scientific conferences, introducing the specifics of work at PROTEA Group.

Environmental protection
We are aware of the current and future consequences of environmental impacts that result from the technological processes implemented in our production plant.
We are actively striving to minimize the negative impact of our activities on the natural environment.
For this purpose, the ISO 14001 certificate has been implemented in the Polish part of the PROTEA Group. The company’s Management has adopted an Environmental Policy under which the environmental goals are defined and implemented every year. The resulting tasks are focused on improving waste management, taking into account the reduction of use of non-renewable and difficult to dispose packaging, the use of environmentally friendly technologies, raising ecological awareness of employees and the introduction of rational use of energy media.
All documents regarding the adopted Environmental Policy and environmental objectives for the current year are available on request.